For all of their incredible durability, resilience, and energy-efficient range, E-bike batteries still require some proper maintenance habits to stop them from degrading at an accelerated rate and losing their cherished qualities.

For all of their incredible durability, resilience, and energy-efficient range, E-bike batteries still require some proper maintenance habits to stop them from degrading at an accelerated rate and losing their cherished qualities. So, what’s the best way to store an E-bike battery? When not in use, keep your device stored in moderate temperatures, unplugged from power sources, away from direct sunlight, and in a dry environment. We cover other key factors and best practices for how to safely store E-bike batteries in the rest of the article.

How to Store an E-Bike Battery – Ideal Storage Conditions

The titular question is inevitably tied to specific storage conditions. In turn, this should immediately alert you and prompt you to not just ask how to store the battery or device, but where to store an E-bike battery, since its surroundings will play a crucial role in determining whether the spot you pick is suitable and won’t expose the battery to damage over time.

Essentially, it comes down to three key factors you’ll always want to consider to ensure proper storage:

  • Temperature: E-bike batteries like moderate storage conditions and fairly cool rooms. Anything in the range of 10°C and 20°C (50°F–68°F) is acceptable. However, definitely avoid extreme cold and extreme heat, as these can cause your battery to degrade and require replacement.
  • Humidity: Store your E-bike battery in a dry place with not much humidity. A damp garage won’t do, even if you place your device close to a heater to offset the moisture—in that case, you’d probably raise the surrounding temperature too high.
  • Sun Exposure: This goes without saying, but direct sunlight can harm your battery’s lifespan quite a bit. Storing it outside isn’t a viable option. Do your best to keep it away from sunlight.

Proper Charging and Discharging Habits

Another critical aspect of E-bike battery storage concerns charging. As you probably know, with extended time spent out of regular usage, battery levels will drain all the same, albeit slower. As long as the rate of discharging isn’t excessive, this is all considered a normal occurrence.

However, to keep your E-bike battery healthy for longer, even when not in use, you’ll want to periodically check on its charge level and give it some juice to maintain optimal levels of charge. When storing your battery for several months, a good rule of thumb is to check on it every couple of weeks and keep the charge level between 30% and 60%. This is an optimal amount of charge for two main reasons:

  • Letting the battery drain completely can lead to deep discharge, which can reduce capacity and lifespan.
  • Keeping it fully charged (or, even worse, plugged in) accelerates the ageing of cells.

Preventative Maintenance in Storage

To make sure it lasts you as long as possible, it’s not just about how to store an E-bike battery—comprehensive care extends beyond that and involves regular maintenance. This way, you’ll ensure long-term performance and prevent the battery management system from having to shut down cells that become imbalanced.

Before storing, clean the battery with a dry cloth to remove dust and debris. If you’re removing the battery from the E-bike itself, keep it in a protective case or padded bag to prevent accidental drops. Additionally, give the connectors and terminals a once-over to check for signs of wear and tear, bulging, or buildup.

The Takeaway

The best way to store an E-bike battery is to keep it in a cool (but not cold) and dry room and away from sunlight. Additionally, check on its charge levels periodically, even when not in use, to keep the battery cells in good conditions. Really, it’s the bare minimum of proper maintenance—do this regularly, and your battery will last you a long time.

Read also: How to Increase E-Bike Battery Range

About the Author


Leading manufacturer of advanced battery systems with a market presence of over 25 years. We specialise in rechargeable lithium-ion batteries, producing a wide range of systems with varying power and capacity.